Network of Christ-Centered, Outwardly-Focused, Faith-Growing
Communities for the Sake of the World
on the Election of Our Next Presiding Bishop
by Bishop Michael Rinehart
This summer, the ELCA Churchwide Assembly will elect the next
Presiding Bishop of the ELCA. The relatively young Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America, the result of the merger in 1988, has
had four presiding Bishops: Herbert W. Chilstrom (1987-1995), H.
George Anderson (1995-2001), Mark Hanson (2001-2013), and Elizabeth
Eaton (2013-2025).
2025 is a time for prayerful discernment. The church is at a
crossroads. Worship attendance in the US has been falling since the
1960s. The pandemic accelerated this. There are more people who
claim no religious affiliation on the census than ever before. The
influence of the church has waned. Of course, congregations often
point to one very large church in their community and say, "If
they can do it, why can't we?” but it quickly becomes clear their
theology is not ours. Some do not accept women in ministry. Some
are enamored with Christian nationalism. Some preach a prosperity
gospel that claims wealth as a sign of God's approval and blessing,
and poverty as a sign of faithlessness. Others define Christianity
as a purity religion. Although Americans tend to think bigger is
better, we recognize that we are not this expression of the church
of Jesus Christ, nor do we aspire to be.
Gift of Transportation
by Pastor Cynthia Robles
The Burton Bridge Ministry is a non-profit ministry that is
supported by several churches in the area, but specifically, there
are three ELCA churches who support it: Greenvine Emmanuel
Lutheran, St. Paul’s Rehburg, and Zion Lutheran of Zionsville. I
have been serving as the Pastor at Greenvine Emmanuel Lutheran
since 2020 and have connected with the Burton Bridge Ministry in
several ways.
Since I have been here, they have created a choice food pantry that
serves over 600 clients, moved the corner shoppe to a new building,
built a new building for their furniture sales, sponsored a summer
camp for youth, created a program for reading with children, and
have sponsored a health fair for people in the community. I am sure
there are many other areas they have assisted, and we have been a
part of in this community.
Pieces: Creation Care Tips from the Synod Lutherans Restoring
Creation Team
by Lisa Brenskelle
The mission of Lutherans Restoring Creation is to
promote incorporation of care for creation into the full life and
mission of the church, working in five areas: worship, education,
discipleship, building & grounds, and public ministry/advocacy.
Creation Care Events
Contact gcs.lrc@gmail.com for details on
any of these events.