Network of Christ-Centered, Outwardly-Focused, Faith-Growing
Communities for the Sake of the World
News & Announcements
January 13,
Preach at the Beach 2025: A New Thing!
28, 2025, 9am-4:30pm
$70 (inc b'fast, lunch &
Double occupancy housing $50/night
Ordination of Kinnon Talk
You are invited to worship and
celebrate with Kindred Montrose as
Kinnon Falk
is ordained to the Ministry of Word and Service
Saturday, January 18, 2025
at 5:30 p.m.
Kindred Montrose
2515 Waugh Drive, Houston, TX 77006
Dinner will be served during the
The liturgical color of the day is red. Rostered ministers are
invited to vest and process.
Retreat at Lutherhill
From January 31 to February 1, come and learn
more about Dungeons & Dragons with campaigns run by Deacon Ben
Remmert and Deacon David Hope-Tringali, our Game Guides. With a
mixture of gaming, learning, and Sabbath rest, this retreat will
allow you to explore the connections between life, ministry, and
the world’s greatest roleplaying game. We will have two tracks: one
for adults and one for youth.
Cost: $100/per person (double occupancy) or $175/per person (single
occupancy) *$50/per person Youth Sponsor (double
Family Retreat at Lutherhill
gathering for your family to rest, play and reconnect at
Lutherhill, April 4-6, 2025.
Time for a little spring cleaning? Not in your home, but in your
family life? Our Spring Family Retreat is the perfect reset when
daily life gets a little crazy. Take a break from all the demands
of school, sports and work to renew your focus on your family.
Escape to the Hill for all the camp activities your heart desires.
Invest in your family, nurture new friendships and revel in God’s
Upgrade your stay! Upgrade to stay in Lutherhill’s new Retreat
Center for $100/pp or $200 per room (4 person per room max).
bird registration for 2025 Synod Assembly is now open!
LEAD: Living Every Day As Disciples
LEAD is a Christian leadership
development organization that is nurtured by this synod to be a
gift to the whole church.
Lutherans Restoring Creation
For more information on LRC, contact the Lisa Brenskelle. The team is
seeking additional members.
Live On
Live On is the endowment fund
of the Gulf Coast Synod. Together with the synod, we are
developing Lutheran leadership through a culture of generosity.